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  • The Hard Hat Belles

Easy Steps to Organizing Your Cupboards or Kitchen Cabinets

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

Hi Y’all!

We are just so excited here at The Hard Hat Belles to be rolling out our third blog and YouTube video.  Thanks to all our subscribers for signing up and keeping us here and going.   If you haven’t already subscribed, please do so.  This allows us to give you a heads up when we post new videos and blogs to the internet.

This particular episode of Organizing Cupboards is near and dear to Wiebke and me.  When we decided to do this YouTube/Blog thing we were in the middle of organizing Wiebke’s kitchen cupboards.  It was then that we decided “why not.”  We felt strongly that we had something of value to share with others and decided to do something about it. Seriously, who doesn’t like to laugh and have fun while learning?  We certainly did and do.  Go grab your coffee or tea and come join us, we’re glad you’re here!

Tea for two


You might ask, “How did Wiebke and Denine get to be such good friends?”  Well, you see, our friendship really hasn’t been a long one, but it has developed into a strong friendship through our many crazy schemes.

Seriously, we had been friendly acquaintances through our church, The North Branch Wesleyan Church, for several years.  You know those people you see every Sunday and say “hi” to without actually getting to really know them.  You care for them, but you just don’t have time to develop a real friendship even when you want to.

After a long battle with aggressive prostate cancer, my husband, Bill, went home to our Lord in September 2014.  I didn’t know it at the time, but Wiebke had kept me and my family in her prayers during our hard times.  When Bill passed away, Wiebke felt very strongly about the bible verse (James 1:27) that speaks about tending to the widows.  She felt God wanted her to be with me. You see, she had experienced a similar loss in her early twenties that also left her a widow and she had just lost her mom the year before Bill.  So she knew from experience how hard it was going to be for me and wanted to be there for me.  I tried to tell her thank you, but no and at that time if I would have known different languages – I would have said “no” in those as well. I’ll let you in on a little secret ……. that woman can be persistent as all get out and boy am I grateful to God that she was.

During the first couple months after my husband passed away I was very grateful for her help, but even more important than that an amazing thing occurred – a wonderful friendship blossomed.  As our relationship grew closer together we experienced a lot of healing tears, but there was also laughter (oh, was there) while we each were trying to figure life out.


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In the beginning – Yes, in our beginning, not God’s; it was my turn to be over at Wiebke’s house and she was complaining that she was so disgusted with her lid, bowl, and whatnot cupboard (seriously, whatever she could shove in her cupboard) and her pan, skillet and baking cupboard.  She was so frustrated she just blurted out, “I can’t take this anymore DDDenine.  It’s disgusting and I’m tired of not finding what I am looking for.”  Then she pointed to her kitchen table where a few items she picked up were stacked and said, “These are the racks I got at Walmart and the Salvation Army… And I already had this dish rack I dug out.  Can we please do this today?”

Messy to Clean Cabinets

So that is what we did.  We tore into the job of organizing her cupboards and in the process we had a lot of fun and laughs at what we found and what we did. At one point while we were busy organizing and working I remember lying on the floor in a fit of giggles thinking that we really need to share this with others. It was then that we both felt God leading us on a path to becoming The Hard Hat Belles.


There really is no rhyme or reason for what you can use to organize your cupboards with.  What worked for Wiebke didn’t work for me as our cupboards are different shapes and sizes.  However, to start – you can search your own home and look at your own items differently.

A CD rack or dish rack can become a plastic lid holder or small pan lid holder.

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A wired magazine/file holder can become a cookie sheet organizer.

Different sized baskets can become utensil holders or used for larger items like soup ladles, frying spatulas or wooden spoons.

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The key is to use your imagination and think outside of the box on how you can use different items in different ways.  Look at a potential item and brainstorm over what it could possibly become for you.  For example take a wired or plastic dish rack – it can become a lid organizer, or hold pan lids of various sizes, or keep your plates in an upright position in your cupboard.  Keep going until you find what works for you.

Some of the places you might also consider when looking for organizing items (remember think outside of the box) are Salvation Army or Goodwill stores, thrift stores, resale shops, Dollar stores, Walmart, Meijers, Bed, Bath and Beyond, Target, Ace Hardware, Aco Hardware, local hardware’s (they can have some really neat items), the list can go on and on, but you get the idea.

And remember Pinterest is

Wire Racks

We recommend that you wait to organize your cupboards until you get your organizers together.  Once you are ready you will need to unload your cupboard completely.  Then put in the newly purposed organizers and get started.  We found that it took us a few times of putting things in and taking them out before we were happy with the outcome.

Once we completed Wiebke’s cupboards she was so happy.  She still raves six months later about how much easier it is to find things now that the cupboards are organized.  Even her family puts things where they belong now.

Welcome to The Hard Hat Belles way to diy (do it yourself) and liy (learn it yourself).  Do it, learn it and laugh!!

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We pray you have been entertained while you learned a thing or two. We’d love to hear from you – Do you have any neat ideas for organizing and having fun?  What would you like to learn?  We’d love to hear from you!

Organized Cupboards Verse1

Love & Hugs,

Denine & Wiebke


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