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  • The Hard Hat Belles

VeeBee’s Easy Way to Make New Year’s Resolutions and Keep Them

Updated: May 19, 2020

Happy New Year


I haven’t made any New Year’s resolutions in a long time. In actual fact things changed in my making of New Year’s resolutions after my son Sidney was born. BC (before child), my life was a breeze. I had it together. I was organized to the tee. I had endless energy to make long to-do lists – and to actually do ALL the things on these lists. Then in 2004, I just gave up. I had learned in the short 6 months of Sidney’s life that I had no control and in actual fact was out of control…


Eleven years have passed since then, and I think I’m ready to yet again make some New Year’s resolutions! I have found my new groove with The Hard Hat Belles and feel I owe it to myself and everyone reading this, to make a fresh start and try once more to not only make these vows, but actually work at keeping them. Now you might ask yourself “What has changed?” or “Why now?”. The answer is that I’ve become more realistic and have learned to let go of my pride now and again. I have learned that it is okay to fail and it is alright to have to make adjustments in order to reach my goals.

So, here I am typing up these thoughts and contemplating what I need to do and how I’ll actually keep track of what I’ve done. Instead of giving away my specific New Year’s resolutions, I will try to give you some pointers on how you can go about dealing with this New Year’s Pledge Monster – that is if you are planning to tame one yourself!


  1. Write down your specific res

Important to Journal/Track

2.  Find a friend or mentor to whom you can be accountable to. It helps to tell someone about your plans. That person can pray for you and support you.

Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Examples

Realistic and Unrealistic Goals

5. Use your calendar to help you plan. Either writing goals onto your calendar or entering it onto a calendar app on your smart phone or I-phone will remind you daily of what you would like to accomplish. You can also sync all you calendars onto one central calendar.

2016 Calendar


Now that you have the tools, all you need to do is apply these to accomplish your New Year’s resolutions! I dare you to train your New Year’s Pledge Dragon. Achieving what you set out to do, will not only make you feel better about who you are, but ultimately it will bring glory to God, for what you’ve done with what He has entrusted you with.

Psalm 51:10-12 (NIV)

Blessings for 2016!


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