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  • The Hard Hat Belles

How to Conquer Your SmartPhone 101 Episode 3

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

Episode 3: SmartPhone Icons & Buttons

Hi Y’All,

Thanks for stopping in and joining us for our Conquer Your SmartPhone 101 Course.  If you haven’t noticed by now, I am not a natural in front of the camera. . . and teaching in front of it makes my wig itch (picture below).  Grab a chair and your drink and get ready for a few chuckles.

Tea for two

Why Create the Conquer Your SmartPhone Series?


My Itchy Wig Syndrome

I really have empathy for those who have a difficult time learning new technology, seriously.  And technology changes so fast that it is next to impossible to stay up with it and if you add in those people who have a learning curve issue, like my wonderful mother, it could become frustrating.

I am pretty savvy at learning new things – I think because I enjoy learning,  but I get so frustrated when I just learn how to operate teh technology and “they” decide to upgrade, update, or make a new improved model, don’t you?  And I don’t know about you, but it drives me crazy when I cannot find the exact words in my brain dictionary to explain myself to others when asking for help! I can’t decide if it makes me laugh more or frustrates me more when I can’t locate those words. . . hmmm. . . .  maybe those are the menopausal moments.

When I have to learn new technology even when it is exciting – it also frustrates me.  My brain kind a feels like a character from the Disney/Pixar movie Inside Out click here  where all my little emotions are going haywire. I can just picture it, Mrs. Frustration just fluttering around in my brain going in circles yelling “I got this, no I don’t, yes I do, no I don’t” as she is twisting and turning the item around punching buttons …lol.

Don’t get me wrong, Wiebke and I both love technology, but- TECHNOLOGY sometimes makes me feel like just laying on the floor and having a fit like a two year old having a tantrum.  But, as luck would have it, I’d probably break something or at the very least sprain something {sigh}.  I am certainly glad that all that commotion in my head doesn’t show on the outside only on the inside {I’d scare and confuse myself, let alone anyone else}.

What Learning, Frustration, & Packing My Mother in a Box Have In Common

CSP3 Peonie and SmartPhones

I am sure that the poor victims of new technology frustrations {especially my sweet mother}, will be glad to have The Hard Hat Belles How To Conquer Your SmartPhone series available as they will be able to access it as many times as they need to without having to drive their loved ones crazy with, ” the phone icon just disappeared again and it is not a smartphone, but a stupid one.” or “I can’t find the phone icon {camera, message box etc}, again”.

Seriously, how many times can you lose an icon before you figure out what you did?  I also have had my mother take notes.  But it really doesn’t help if she keeps on losing the book the notes are in.  Unbelievably, my technology challenged mother had this 8″ x 6″ hot pink, furry note book that she put some notes in. . . . And yes, she lost that as well {sigh}.

Either I had to give up trying to bring my mom into the twentieth century or I needed to package her and the SmartPhone into a box and ship them both to the SmartPhone company and ask them to upgrade or improve her as well.  I am so glad that my mother loves me and puts up with me.  She’s definitely a keeper.

Thus, we created the How To Conquer Your SmartPhone 101 series to help others and keep us sane {which might be hard to do, come to think about it}.

Slow & Easy Sets The Pace

Here at The Hard Hat Belles we are providing a simple, easy, slow step-by-step method to learn how to use those SmartPhones without stress and we hope, providing some laughter.  We are starting with the basics of the basics from removing the phone from the original container to how to operate the camera and menu settings (future releases).  If this series is helping you or more likely someone you know, please let us know and we will continue with a more in-depth series once all the basics are covered. Happy SmartPhoning!!

Instructions To Conquer Your SmartPhone 101:

The Basics 3 (III)

IF you haven’t already viewed the previous video and/or instructions, we recommend that you start at the beginning of the series Conquer Your SmartPhone 101: The Basics 1 and watch the video to work your way through to the end of the series.

CSP Episode 3

NOTE:  We are covering a very board spectrum of SmartPhones, so yours just might be slightly different.  Some of the volume buttons may also be on the back of the phone as well.

Once you have completed The Basics 3 tutorial you will be ready to tackle the next video episode 4 – Create A Gmail Google Account – where we will explain how to create these accounts using your SmartPhone itself.  These accounts are necessary in order to use some of the functions on your SmartPhone.  Please join us for the next video and blog.

To watch more of our crazy videos check out our YouTube channel “TheHard Hat Belles” or click  The Hard Hat Belles to go directly there.  Once there like and subscribe to receive notifications of the latest video releases. You can also see each of our videos within our blog stories.

May Your Day Be Spent INSPIRING HOPE

Bible Verse Proverbs 9:9

ŒLove & Hugs

Denine & Wiebke

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