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  • The Hard Hat Belles

Repurposed Picture Frame: Change with each Holiday or Season

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

Don’t throw out those picture frames that are missing the glass (because your husband broke it!). . . We have a cool solution to repurpose it into a crafty seasonal/holiday wreath (of sorts).

Hi Y’All,

So glad you’ve stopped by for another chat, drink and craft!  A few years back my husband (bless his heart) was hanging my pictures for me and dropped one.  Yes, the glass broke.  I always intended to get the glass replaced, but never happened.  Now I have a new purpose for that frame that I am excited about and we hope you will be too.

Tea for two

Minimizing & Repurposing

I am currently going through my house (which is chaos at the moment) to downsize all the “stuff” I thought I needed at one time.  I guess you could think of it as the opposite of nesting.  One of the things that I really need to get rid of are all the old, empty picture frames that “someday I was going to get the glass replaced” but never did. explains repurposing like this, “to reuse something for a different purpose from the one that was originally intended.”

I was really excited about this craft of repurposing picture frames – as it fits with my nature on so many levels; frugality, crafting and usefulness.  Psst….My family can look forward to receiving their very own repurposed picture frame that they can use all year round….don’t tell.

Get Creative

Wiebke and I have very different tastes when it comes to being creative (that’s why we work so well together), and we have come up with several ideas that you can do with your picture frames.  And if you don’t have any picture frames you can purchase them inexpensively at a thrift store near you as we did for the ones we are going to show you below.

Your creativeness is going to make each one unique. So use your imagination.  We used a lot of the supplies we had around our house. I love scrapbooking so I had quite a bit of the supplies on hand.  Wiebke loves to create themes for parties and gifts for her friends and family and she had several of her supplies on hand as well.  So rummage through you cabinets and cupboards to see how you can use your supplies to the best of your imagination.  Let’s get started. . .

Repurposed Picture Frame

The basic supplies you need: Old wood picture frame (we both used 14″ x 16″ frames), spray paint (optional), twine or ribbon, small hooks, and the clothespins with the metal in the middle (Wiebke used a medium size and I used the super tiny ones).

Additional optional supplies: Scrapbooking paper (or similar), stickers, markers etc.

Step 1:  Prep your frame.  Make sure it is clean.  If you spray paint yours as I did, it may take a few coats, but make sure it is dry before you continue.  I let mine stand for 48 hours after the last coat (3).

Step 2: Insert hooks into the frame inner edge as shown below.  I used the existing metal tabs on mine (I think I prefer the hooks though).  Starting close to the top and then approximately 2-3″ lower.  This seems to be a good height for the message(s) to hang.

Step 3: Measure out the twine, ribbon, string that you choose to use and leave at least 4-6 inches extra.  This allows for tying it onto the hooks/metal tabs, as well as leaving enough to tie a bow at the other end (on the metal tab I wrapped it twice around before pressing the tab down into place).  This allows a quick release to change out the message.  Note: Wiebke put glue on the end of her twine and let it dry to keep the twine for fraying.

Step 4: You can either thread the twine/ribbon through the metal part on the clothespin or you can clip them to the twine/ribbon.  If you do the clipped on method you will want to have it hanging in place beforehand to make the clipping easier.

Step 5: Time to use your imagination to create your message(s).  Wiebke created specific messages for the Merry Christmas, Happy July 4th and the Advent Acts of Kindness.  I created a multiple alphabet so I could create several different messages as the mood strikes. Below are some examples of what we created.

NOTE:  Since the picture frame I purchased from the thrift store had glass in it I took the repurposing a step further.  Using some chalk spray paint I covered one side of the glass with it.  It looks good and I was hoping to be able to chalk on that side so it could also be used as a message board, however unless I was very careful the chalk marked through it.  I am still researching on how to seal it.

On the flip side, I did find a way to use it as a very pretty dry erase board using chalk markers on the glass side not sprayed with chalkboard paint.

You could also use it behind your message as a backdrop.  Multipurpose Repurposed Picture Frame.

And as the message says please like us on YouTube and subscribe to our blog and channel for more fun crafts!!  

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May Your Days Be Spent

Inspiring Hope

Love & Hugs,

Denine & Wiebke

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