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  • The Hard Hat Belles

Fun, Simple, Quick Valentine’s Day Craft – Tile Plaque

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

If this is your first visit, you are in for a treat! Please grab your favorite cup-of-stuff, sit back, kick your feet up and enjoy.

Tea for two

I think I am especially sensitive to this since I lost my husband a little over a year ago.  I wished I could have hugged him more and told him more how much I loved him… special he was to me.  We didn’t spend 32 years together just because we had to; it was because we cared and loved one another.  We were partners. Not mine or yours, but ours as that old Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda movie went. Life is tough enough when we go it alone, but in this business of living together and raising a family as one unit their needs to be a partnership as God intended.

Okay – I am going to rant a bit if you want to put your hands over your ears right now. I don’t understand some of today’s generation. This mine or yours stuff….never ours?  You know what I am talking about – it usually revolves around money –  separate checking and saving accounts. Or you each have YOUR own bills to pay – separately. Or buying groceries separately with YOUR own money.  I am not saying all relationships are that way, but I have run into this mind set within my own family, friends and contacts.  It’s crazy if you ask me.  God created us to be dependent on each other. Can you just picture Adam telling Eve – That’s not your rib, it’s mine and I want it back?  Or it’s your fault I ate the apple so you deal with this problem – it’s not mine! Or Eve telling Adam since he ate the dang apple he can suffer all those ridiculous labor pains! Hilarouious, isn’t it. It shouldn’t be your money or my money – it should be our money regardless of who is making it and paying the bills.  It is those tough times as well as the good times that build the relationship into a lasting memorable one. Those battles that are unique to “our” relationship. If we are not partners and we start with a “mine” or “yours” how can we make things work out for the best “together?”

Just a quick unpaid for plug – The Dave Ramsey Financial Plan is awesome.  Wiebke and I both went through the program with our husbands at different times and it really made a difference in how we each looked at finances and our spouses.

Anyway, enough about my thoughts and onto some really fun crafting time.  These Valentine Tile Plaques are super easy to do alone, with a friend, your child or grandchildren. Wiebke and I had a blast!  Check us out HERE.

Do you like Pinterest and Google?  Sometimes, we come across ideas on Facebook that one of our friends will have posted and we just have to give it a try.

Peonie, Wiebke and I LLLOOOVVVEEE to check out Pinterest or Google when we are looking for ideas or ways to do something differently and then of course we put our own unique spin on it.  The Valentine’s Day Tile Craft is one such idea.  We checked out a few different Pinterest and Google ideas and put our own unique spin on it.  We hope you love it as much as we do.

Peonie Barbie Wannabee and Plaques
  1. We tried the rolling pin idea that someone else posted to roll out the bubbles the paper makes…..complete fail as it tore the paper while it was wet with Mod Podge.

  2. We really liked using the hot glue gun to put the buttons on as it dried really quickly and we could build on the design.  I just recently used a “cool” glue gun at my son, Jason’s house for a craft with my grandkids and I think that is my new favorite thing to use.  I was forever burning my fingers with the hot glue gun as I was always in a hurry for instant results.

  3. For faster drying results a fan on the project will definitely cut down on your drying time.  Can you tell I like things done quickly?

Now on to the actual crafting (rubbing my hands together).


Valentine's Day Tile Craft Supplies

Ceramic tile – the size is up to you.

Scrapbooking papers – use your imagination (tissue paper, gift wrap, construction etc).

ModPodge – you can purchase it or search Pinterest/Google for homemade.

Bling/Ribbons/Lace – This is where you can get really creative (buttons, beads, various ribbons, gems, small fabric flowers etc).

Sponge brush (we found that this leaves less streaking on craft projects).

Hot or Cool Glue Gun (you can also use tacky glue or white school glue – it just takes longer for drying period).

Scissors (you can use a variety of different cutting styles and tearing techniques).

Acrylic Spray Sealer (optional).

Please use caution when using the hot glue gun, scissors and acrylic spary sealer. Please see disclaimer here.

  1. Cut one sheet of scrapbook paper(s) to the size of the tile. You can use different sizes of paper to create a unique design as well. You can be creative and use special scissors or even tear it.

  2. Cover the whole tile with Mod podge, using a sponge brush. Place the paper on top of the tile.  Press out all the bubbles as best as you can.

  3. Cover the scrapbook paper(s) with another layer of Mod Podge and let it dry for about 30 minutes.

ŒAttach Buttons
  1. If you want to add a sealer, you can use an acrylic spray sealer to finish off the tile, however that is optional as the Mod Podge seals very well on it’s own.

Completed Craft Tile


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If you have any comments about this craft, short cuts or ideas, please let us know below in the comments.  We’d love to hear from you.

Bible Verse Proverbs 18:24

Love & Hugs,

Denine & Wiebke

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